In recent years, the new car sales market has faced challenges, and the gross profit of new car sales has continued to decline. After sales service plays the important role to create stable cash flow for enterprises in the constantly changing automotive market. It also provides more opportunities to interact with car owners when they return to the workshop of the dealer . Besides, the intimate service provided by front-line staff strengthens the brand image and the connection between the brand and customers. Therefore, after sales service is the most important key point and positive for the new car sales number and enhance long-term cash flow and profits in the future.
Consumers will have several years of interaction and experience with the dealers after buying a car, which will create and accumulate the trust to the brand. To figure out the real customer voices, the automotive brands hope that through external evaluation and ranking, potential consumers can get a glimpse of the soft power of the brand in service.
The brands conduct internal service evaluations and audits every month. To make service better, the company will carry out direct care within 3 days after maintenance and investigate their satisfaction with the process and the suggestion.
However, the VOC (Voice of Customer) and the Frequency will help for Positive Branding
● Normal Operation. The data of the review meeting held every month with the data of previous month, but it will takes at least half a month to create the action plan t and execute. In other words, the original process will still exist for one and half months before new actions..
● The volume of customer complaints will gradually increase as the time goes on within that one and half months
● VOC (Voice of customers) is not only the "results" ,but the useful information to help supervisors. With system support, the results could be generate more frequently. It will be the dashboard for supervisor, and hit the break when speeding...
Eason Sourcing International create monitor system that assists our clients to set up the monitoring service structure and tracking the category and quantity of the trend of the voice of customers instantly. Eason Sourcing will help you to manage the satisfaction and enhance better brand image for the future.